One of the biggest problems of flying a drone in winter months is battery management, with this in mind I was keen to do a few trials (nothing too scientific) with the recent cold and snowy weather. During these tests it was very obvious that the cold temperatures significantly reduced the battery life of batteries that had not been kept warm in my pockets compared with batteries that had been kept warm in my pocket. I would say battery life was reduced by about 20% on a cold day off 0C. Remember if the temperature drops to below 0C you should stop flying immediately. I encountered no other problems but I was extremely cautious as I have heard stories of drones falling out of the sky with little or no warning. Some drones nowadays have self heating batteries like the Magic 2 Enterprise for example.
It is also important to dress correctly…wrap up warm and wear gloves (flying with cold hands could result in loosing control) and a hat, being exposed to the cold can make you feel tired and loose concentration.